Ženski centar „Milica“ je u nedelju tradicionalno, treći put obeležilo 8.maj Svetski dan raka jajnika i 10. maj Međunarodni dan fizičke aktivnost vožnjom podrške “Daj pedalu raku jajnika”.
Vozilo se od centra Vrnjačke Banje do manastira sv Petke i nazad u dužini od 30 km u znak podrške ženama koje se bore sa najpodmuklijim karcinomom od koga oboli oko 900 a umre oko 450 žena u Srbiji . Po smrtnosti od karcinoma jajnika Srbija je na prvom mestu u Evropi .
Ovog puta je podrška aktivnih biciklista MTB Čiker iz Kraljeva izostala zbog lošeg vremena.
Želja i dato obećanje da ćemo voziti za naše drugarice, mame, bake nas je uprkos lošem vremenu okupila na trgu. Tačno u podne nas 13 je krenulo a 11 izvozilo celu maršrutu. Na startu su nas ispratile žene u čije ime smo vozile.
Najmlađi učesnici vožnje Stevan 9 godina i Mina Stanojčić 12 godina su nam bili dodatna motivacija da izvezemo planiranu maršrutu.
Biciklistička sekcija Ženskog centra Milica poziva sve žene da misle na svoje zdravlje, idu na redovne ginekološke preglede i pridruže nam se u laganim vožnjama u prirodi. Sami možda možemo brže ali zajedno stižemo dalje.
Women center “Milica” on sunday marked traditionally for the third time 8. May the world ovarian cancer day, and 10. May witch is international day of fisical activity with drive of support ” give the peddal to ovarian cancer”
The drive started in the center of Vrnjacka Banja and finished at monastery St. Petka and back, the ride is 30km long. The meaning of the ride is to support women who are fighting the despicable desiase of ovarian cancer, which affects around 900 women in Serbia, in 450 caseas the outcome is death. Serbia is first in Europe by death rate which is caused by ovarian cancer.
This time the support of active cyclist’s MTB Ciker from Kraljevo lacked due to bad weather.
Will and given promise that we will ride for our friends, morhers, grandmothers, kept us going despite the rain. At noon 13 of us startet and 11 finished the ride. At the start we were seen of by the women for which we were riding.
The youngest participants in the ride were Stevan 9 years old and Mina Stanojcic 12 years, they gave us exta motivation to finish the race.
The bike section of Women center Milica invites all women to think about their health, to undergo regular examinations and join us bike riding in the nature. Alone maybe we will go faster, but together we will go further.